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K3Soju's Thoughts on the OP Comp Plaguing Korean Ladder Right Now
K3Soju Goes Off on a Chatter for Asking the Best Comp
K3Soju Discovers the Most Satisfying Chain CC Comp of Set 7.5
K3Soju Left Speechless by the Statistically Worst Augment Right Now
K3Soju Gets Destroyed by a Ridiculously Strong Board on 3-2
K3Soju Having Literally Perfect Luck for 40 Seconds
K3Soju Fights the Strongest Variation of Darkflight Aphelios
K3Soju Being Tilted for 60 Seconds Straight
K3Soju Hits the Perfect Highroll on Demand
K3Soju Malds About The Most Unlucky Matchmaking RNG
K3Soju Gets Personally Blessed by Mortdog. Repeatedly.
K3Soju is Shocked After Getting 1v9'd by a Nunu 2